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    SUECS will fully support Russia UOP PSA Hydrogen Project by SCS@R Accreditation 3rd Party Service

    2022-10-04 09:42:04

    SUECS will fully support Russia UOP PSA Hydrogen ,CCR, Petrochemical Seaport Terminal VOC Control Projects by SCS Accreditation 3rd Party Service 
    SUECS将给予俄罗斯PSA制氢, 连续催化再生以及化工油码头VOC达标排放等项目全面SCS第三方关联联合信誉验证服务

    August 31st, 2022, Based upon Impressive cooperating experience on one Agripharma Project in 2018, Russia Project Team once again are looking for full SCS Accreditation Programme 3rd Party Service for its new UOP PSA Hydrogen Generating and Recovery,CCR Continuous Catalysis Regenerating and Petrochemical Seaport Terminal VOC Control Projects, which will be included but not  limited to Equipment Supplier Verifying and Pre-qualification, Specification Clarification, Communication and Contracting, Supply Fabricating Site Quality Control and Delivery Supervision, and Etc.
    It is not so simple of our SCS 3rd Party Service just providing once project message, and actually we are playing very important coordinating or even judging arbitration roles once any unplanned change, unexpected difference even emotional disputes recurred during whole project progress process as this world is is too turbulent and certainless already.
    Remarks: it believes SUECS, one global industrial technology organization, have sufficient capabilities of technology judgement and industrial influence and possible to persuade each parties to accept our 3rd Party Independent Investigation.

    SUECS Industrial Technology-Industrial Engineering Project
    SUECS Industrial Technology-SCS Accreditation Programme
    SUECS Industrial Technology-Market Developing, Customer Support & Supply Management

    基于2018年农化项目深刻的合作经验,俄罗斯项目团队再次寻求SUECS为其新建大型UOP PSA制氢,CCR连续催化再生,以及化工油码头VOC达标排放等多个项目提供全面SCS信誉验证关联联合第三方项目管理支持服务。这包括但不限于设备供应商可靠性审核验证,技术条件的交底说明沟通及合同条款签署,以及供应商工厂设备制造过程监督监管及交付协调等。


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