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    9th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting will be held in Hangzhou on April 26th, 2023

    2023-04-28 11:04:30

    9th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting is co-held with Hainan FULLSING in Hangzhou Wyndham Grand Plaza Royaleon on April 26th, 2023 

    April 27th, 2023 This meeting is held by Hainan Free-Trade Harbor FULLSING Park and cooperated with SUECS Industrial Technology successfully in Hangzhou Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Hotel, Zhejiang of China on April 26th, 2023. It mainly introduced of related FREE-Trade Policy in together with SUECS Hainan Center Plan firstly, which is closely following up Free Trade Zone Policy and playing hub-role to support China South Sea Economic Circle and  SEA countries.
    本次会议由SUECS工业技术联合协助海南自由贸易港海口复兴城产业园主办于2023年4月26日在杭州温德姆至尊豪庭大酒店成功举行. 会议期间专门讨论了围绕海南自贸区国家战略建设SUECS海南中心支持服务中国南海海洋经济以及支撑辐射东盟区意向计划以及各种政府配套鼓励实惠政策等。

    SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting Activities
    SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting is one kind of regular high level executive meeting activities for SCS@R Collaborated, SCS@Y Authorized Companies and SME Customer Representatives which are mainly summoned on discussion of customer expectation and needs, current project progress, change/difference and industrial new technology and products. It will also find up some public SCS@R Accredited Products Show and Local Culture Exchanging Activities. Since now, it has successfully held for 9 times in cooperation with SCS Partners or Independently in different regional cities.

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    Historic SCS Accreditation Conference Meetings 历次SCS关联联合会议
    click each for more information 点击链接见具体信息


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