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    SUECS SCS Accreditation 2019 China Conference Summer Meeting Successfully found in Suzhou

    2019-08-28 09:22:25

    SUECS SCS Accreditation Conference China Summer Meeting has been successfully hold in Suzhou China on August 24, 2019. Mr. Steven Min, Representative of SUECS Industrial Technology has introduced of SCS Accreditation Prgramme how to apply for industrial project management, plant operations and business developing practices. There are more than 50 of SMEs, Associated Parties and Customer Representative ( such as senior engineering or plant management from Heineken, Sinopec, Sino-Kuweit Petrochemical, GCL Power, APP group, Taiwan Nuclear Power, SAIC Volksvagen, SolvayL’oreal, Dow ChemicalLBT engineeringSiemensTakenaka, STERIS, Gates, Arkema, Continental related and etc) who had joined meeting and carried out in-depth good discussion. 

    SUECS SCS关联联合中国夏季会议于2019824日在苏州成功召开。本次会议SUECS代表 Steven Min先生第一次系统性介绍解释了SCS Accreditation系统在工业领域项目管理,公司运营以及业务发展方面的应用发展和实践,共有SUECS关联联合企业代表人,部分客户企业代表人(分别来自Heineken,中国石化Sinopec,中科炼化,GCL协鑫电力,APP金光纸业,田湾核电,上海大众汽车,SolvayL’oreal, Dow ChemicalLBT engineeringSiemensTakenaka竹中建设,STERIS, Gates, Arkema, Continental等有关工程项目和工厂运营方面负责人) 以及SME代表人约50人参加了会议并进行了深入交流和讨论。

    在此我们非常感谢对本次大会给予支持贡献的SME个人以及相关企业和代表人员,特别对以下企业个人进行鸣谢(排名不分先后)Herewith we specially express our thanks to all SME individuals and associated company organizations, especially such as:

    喜力啤酒中国管理团队 Heineken Beer China Management Team

    苏州市逸沙建筑工程有限公司 Suzhou YISHA Contrsuction Enginnering Co., Ltd

    无锡同程昌自控系统有限公司 Wuxi TCC Automatic Control System Co., Ltd

    君安(天津)工程项目管理有限公司 Junan (Tianjin) Engineering Company Limited

    苏州雷?机电工程有限公司 Suzhou LEMMON Industrial Engineering Co., Ltd

    江苏瀛元律师事务所 Jiangsu YINGYUAN Law Firm

    苏州万怡酒店 Courtyard Marroitt Hotel Suzhou

    SUECS Weekly Meeting on Every Thursday www.news/html/?17.html