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    SCS Accreditation 2019 Autumn Conference Meeting is held with historic success in Guangzhou

    2019-11-20 21:50:29

    SCS Accreditation 2019 Autumn Conference Meeting is successfully hold up at Dongguan Well Gardon Hotel in Guangdong Guangzhou of China on Nov 16, 2019, which is once high-level customer representatives, selected SME and SCS Accredited Product Companies. All particiates have been communicating and discussing current industrial challenges, their desirs and expectation for this meeting by open-minded, friendly and cheerful way, so that they have found so many common areas and reach a lot of agreement with regard to SCS Accreditation Programme and Business Strategies such as Globalization and Accreditation.
    SCS关联联合2019秋季广州会议2019年11月16日在广东东莞花园华庭酒店举行,该会议是SUECS苏科斯工业技术阶段性地区重要客户代表(R3级以上),成绩业绩突出地区SME代表以及SCS关联联合企业负责人高级别会议。会议在平等尊重,坦诚信任,轻松愉快的气氛中就现实工业的诉求,挑战和期待,SUECS工业服务的内容与实质进行了广泛而又实质性的交流和沟通。同时,与会各方围绕SCS Accreditation Programme关联联合系统所倡导的全球一体化,专业标准化,经营去行政化,服务本地化战略取得了广泛共识,从而对进一步推展关联联合共同发展进步打下了坚实的思想,文化和区域人才基础。

    In this meeting, Mr. Steven Min had made main speechs on SUECS Business Profile and Developing Plan and answered each questions from participates. Ms. Ma Qing, Vice GM from BSIET, Beijing Shougang International Engineering Technology Co., Ltd, had given one introdcution on Shougang Corporation Globalizing Strategy and Achievements or Recent Project Status. Mr. John W. Countz, ex-Andritz Engineering and Products Director, had carried out once specific speech on industrial engineering reliability vs. products quality and on how it will be integrated with SUECS Accreditation Programme Business Strategies.
    会议期间,SUECS工业技术代表 Steven Min 先生就SUECS的业务发展情况以及业务发展规划进行了主题演讲。北京首钢国际工程技术马青女士(副总经理)以及ANDRITZ前工程及产品总监 Mr. John W Countz分别做了专题演讲。马青女士介绍了北京首钢走向国际多元化的具体成就以及当前既定和未来发展目标,而John先生就当前工业制造界存在的产品质量和可靠性与客户认知价值的差距展开了论述,并提议了可能的工业工程可靠性解决方略。这两个专题与SUECS的globalization和accreditation战略高度契合,是SUECS业务战略的具体实践证明。

    Similarly, SUECS had also introduced its SUECS Worldwide Centers Plan ( firstly considered of South Africa, Brazil, Nigeria and Thailand). Some Participates have also visited one of SUECS candidated Dongguan Grand Bay IEIE Exhibition Center.
    与会期间,SUECS还介绍了世界范围内SUECS Center计划(首批南非,巴西,尼日利亚和泰国),部分与会人员还对SUECS广东中心候选地地之一-东莞湾际智能智造中心展馆进行了实地参观考察。

    Around 30 participates had joined this high-level meeting ( Some Individual SME from GE, SIEMENS, DSM, Huizhou-Shell, P&G, Duracell or other global companies).
    来自全国和广州地区30多位高级别代表参加了本次会议,除企业代表外,尽管受本次会议临时改变会议地点交通极其不便的影响,不少企业的个人名义代表也参加了本次会议 (如GE, SIEMENS, DSM,  惠州Shell,P&G,Duracell等)。

    Speciall Thanks for following companies or organization:

    1. 北京首钢国际工程技术有限公司 Beijing Shougang International Engineering Co., Ltd
    2. 广州市越丰机电工程有限公司
    3. 四川精诚能源设备有限公司
    4. 普尔利斯(中国)环保分离设备制造有限公司 
    5. 青岛克兰密封技术有限公司
    6. 厦门新长诚钢构工程有限公司
    7. 沈阳永业实业有限公司
    8. 北京首设冶金科技有限公司
    9. 广西琅琅山天然矿泉有限公司
    10. 东莞华庭花园酒店 (Well Gardon Hotel)
    11. IEIE湾际制造

    SUECS Weekly Meeting on Every Thursday www.news/html/?17.html