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    7th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting-Qingdao held on June 18th 2022 Successfully

    2022-06-20 16:13:19

    7th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting is held in Qingdao on June 18th 2022 Successfully

    June 18th, 2022, 7th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting (R4 Level above) is held successfully at Qingdao Chateau Star River Hotel today. 
    Meanwhile,Two SCS@R Accredited Companies LIHE Engineering & Zhejiang Yuexin have made due specific presentation on industrial O&M outsourcing strategy and independent 3rd Party NDI Certificate Inspection Technology, especially on long distance transportation pipeline corrosion leakage accident prevention.  

    5th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting-SUZHOU held on Dec 18th 2021 Successfully

    December 18th, 2021, 5th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting is held successfully at Suzhou Courtyard Marriott Hotel today. During this meeting, we have reviewed each business and engineering projects in pasting 2021 and discussed new expectation and our confidence for 2022. 
    Meanwhile,SIVECO China ( one SCS@R Accredited Company) has made a specific presentation of introducing its company background and CMMS industrial maintenance software service capabilities. 
    第五次SCS关联联合会议今日在苏州工业园区万怡酒店成功举行。 各参会人员克服近期疫情反复不定以及今日突然降温各种困难,齐聚会场认真讨论各业务及工程服务项目进程回顾2021过去一年艰苦卓绝奋进历程,充分讨论肯定了我们业务布局稳固发展所取得各项成绩,并对2022充分发展充满信心。


    This meeting is co-held by Jiangsu CHENGDONG Construction Engineering Co, Ltd, and we should express our thanks to following companies too.
    SIVECO China 喜科中国
    PPG China 中国
    UL Suzhou Laboratory 苏州实验室
    ZUOCHEM China 中国
    Novartis BioMedical Research 诺华(中国)生物医学研究
    Wacker Chemical ZJG 瓦克化学张家港
    EASTMAN Solutia Suzhou 首诺功能材料苏州
    AGC Flat Glass Suzhou 旭硝子特种玻璃(苏州)
    Longrich Bioscience 隆力奇生物科技
    Colori Cosmetics 克劳丽化妆品
    Suzhou Courtyard Marriott Hotel  苏州万怡酒店 

    Historic SCS Accreditation Conference Meetings 历次SCS关联联合会议

    4th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting held in Suzhou Industrial Park on July 4, 2020 

    3rd SCS Accredited Conference Meeting Held in BEIHANG University 

    2nd SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting held in Guangzhou 

    1st SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting Successfully found in Suzhou 

    SUECS Weekly Meeting on Every Thursday www.news/html/?17.html