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    SUECS Regional Center Funding Plan

    2022-05-14 09:27:53

     SUECS Center 苏科斯中心

    Description on SUECS Suzhou Center Financing Plan


    Many companies can make quality products but cannot provide worldwide market service. Currently more and more companies are seeking for helps from our SCS Accreditation Programme.

    As of major part of SCS Accredited Market Activities, we are planning to build up our SUECS Centers in major industrial city areas worldwidely, which are able to provide one Show, Sales and Service integrated place, so that our customers can get a real experience on SCS Accredited Products locally.



    计划本次募资资金 Planning Recruited Funds:CNY 10,000,000 

    计划最大募资资金占股比例 Max. Recruited vs Total:30%

    SUECS is always pursuing to stable financing and sustainable developing policy upon our solid technology service. However, we specially arrange such SUECS Center project with great potentials in order to thank for all our SME efforts and many social supports from many years. SUECS Suzhou Center will be operated as of one SUECS's legal registered subsidiary entity independently. This time it is planning to recruit CNY10,000 ( equivalent of 30% of total company asset)

    SUECS一贯坚持技术服务为根本履行稳健财务政策,谋求可持续长期发展的经营理念, 也曾长期谢绝一些社会资本的投资意向。然而,为了感谢SME多年的努力以及社会各界长期支持厚爱,我们本次特别安排资质潜力优良SUECS中心项目开放融资。SUECS苏州中心将依托现有SCS关联联合法人体或新注册法人体作为独立核算单位自负经营,本次计划募集资金10,000万人民币,约占总股本30%


    Minimum Procuring Quantity 本次最小购入单位量

    SME10,000 Shares (股,优先购入价每股1元);

    Other Individuals其它个人:50,000 Shares (股,竞价购入);

    Company Organization 公司机构:200,000 Shares (股,竞价购入);

    Procured Shares cannot be bought back within two years 募集购股资金两年内不得抽资撤资。

    Purpose of Recruited Fund: This fund is specially invested in the built-up (Rent and Decoration) and operation of SUECS Suzhou Center, and the remained part will be invested in other worldwide SUECS Regional Centers. SUECS Suzhou Center will be operated by one new legal registered company with fully independent P&L finance accounting system, which might pursue one public stock-listed company in future 


    Predicted Operating Income业务收入 (Per Year)

    Main Operating Income主营业务收入 

    Floor Rent 场地年费收入:3,000m2XCNY5,000/m2=CNY 15,000,000(元/年) ;

    Sales & Service Income销售服务收入 150,000,000X10%=15,000,000元/年(折中估算法discounted);

    Other Income副营业务收入(Other Center Invested其它SUECS中心建设)

    Other Income副营收入:CNY 10,000,000 (元/年, two new centers两个新SUECS中心)

    Total Income业务共计收入:CNY 40,000,000 (元/年)

    Operating Expenditure业务支出 (per Year)

    Direct Operating Expenses直接业务支出

    Rent for Building 房屋租金预算:CNY 3,000,000(元/年);

    Facilities Maintenance设施装饰维护预算:CNY 1,500,000(元/年);

    Staff Salary and Compensation人员工资预算:CNY 1,500,000(元/年);

    Indirect Operating Expenses间接业务支出 

    Sales Fee销售费用:CNY 9,000,000(元/年)

    Total Operating Expenses业务共计支出:CNY 15,000,000(元/年)

    EBIT Margin收入盈余: 40,000,000-15,000,000=CNY 25,000,000 (元/年)

    Net Profit after Tax.企业所得税后盈余:25,000,0000X80%=CNY 20,000,000 (元/年)

    Recruited Fund Equity募股资本所占权益:20,000,000X30%=CNY 6,000,000(元/年)

    Profit Rate年预期收益率:60%

    Annual Profit per share每股预期收益:CNY 0.60 (元/年)


    友情提示Reminds:Please be aware of due risk too for any investment. 敬请意识任何好投资均有风险。
    Final Registering Date报名截止日期:2020年10月22日
    报名咨询邮件Consulting Mail:business@suecs.com; 电话Phone:+86 132 5514 5090

    SUECS Weekly Meeting on Every Thursday www.news/html/?17.html