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    5th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting will be held on 28th August

    2021-07-31 11:24:14

    SUECS 主要业务 http://www.suecs.com/page/zyyw1/index.php 

    SUECS Worldwide 世界各地 http://www.suecs.com/page/ywlx/index.php 
    SUECS China 中国各地 http://www.suecs.com/page/nlzy1/index.php

    5th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting-Guangzhou 2021 ready for Registering 
    特别提示:考虑抗击Covid-19疫情的长期性,我们的SCS关联联合会议可能会根据疫情发展实际情况做出地点调整或改期,敬请大家谅解。SCS Accreditation Meeting could be adjusted or rescheduled upon Covid-19 Pandemic Control Situation.


    Unlike other commercial, SCS Accreditation Conference is one kind of SUECS Internal-controlled Club Membership Regular Meeting (as President, CEO, GM or functional Executive Director or Key Managers). In view of series large Petrochemical & Energy Projects announced or constructed in Guangdong recently, 5th SCS Conference Meeting is scheduled on August 28, 2021 in Guangzhou.


    Conference Themes 会议主题 
    SCS Conference Meeting is one kind of regular senior membership-based meeting forum which is held up by SUECS Industrial Technology in order to collect our SCS@R companies, SCS@SME professionals and invited Industrial Company Parties together, and communicate current situation and requests and discuss future opportunities.  
    This is our 5th SCS Conference Meeting and 2nd in Guangzhou, even impact by Covid-19, but our SUECS business have obtained great progress since last SCS Meeting Guangzhou 2019, many large international projects are conducted currently...
    Meanwhile, we will keep our promise and provide significant award and rewards except of Meeting Free Tickets to our historic contributors and outstanding ones during whole year or this meeting period.

    Last SCS Conference Meetings 往届SCS关联联合会议 

    1st SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting Successfully found in August 24, 2019 in Suzhou Industrial Park
    第一届SCS关联联合2019夏季中国会议在苏州工业园区万怡酒店圆满召开 http://www.suecs.com/news/html/?211.html 
    2nd SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting held on Nov 16, 2019 in Guangzhou
    第二届SCS关联联合2019秋季广州会议在广东东莞成功举行 http://www.suecs.com/news/html/?218.html 
    3rd SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting held in Beijing on Jan 11, 2020
    4th SCS Accreditation Conference Meeting held on July 4, 2020 in Suzhou



    1. SCS@R Companies 关联联合服务企业; 
    2. SCS@SME Representatives 相关关联联合代表人; 
    3. Related Industrial Companies or Parties 受邀业务企业或相关合作方;
    4. Other recommended 以上所引荐或推荐企业代表人/个人 ;


    Location地点: Guanzghou China 中国广州 
    Date会议日期: 2021. 08 .28

    企业报名 Company Fee Rate 
    Please register and leave following information, as Company Name, Participate Names, Job Title, Phone, Mail and other Contacts 请注明企业名称,报名人姓名,职务,电话及其它联系方式; 请提供企业开发票信息; 
    SCS@R Company Rate: RMB7,500 ( Tax included for 3 Participates)
    SCS@R企业报名费率:RMB 7,500元(开含税发票价, 参加人数多出三人按SME计费) 
    Normal Company Rate: RMB15,000(Tax Included for 3 participates who should be recommended by SCS@SME membership)
    一般企业报名费率:RMB15,000元 (须有SME专门推荐人方可报名,开含税发票价, 参加人数多出三人按一般参会人员计费) 

    Bank Information转账付费信息: 
    Contractor服务商: 苏州工业园区舒格斯工业环境技术有限公司 SIP SUECS Industrial Environmental Technology Co., Ltd
    Bank Information收款银行: 中国建设银行苏州分行 CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK SUZHOU BRANCH
    Bank Account收款银行账号: 3220 1988 2360 5252 7141 

    SME个人报名 SME Individual Fee Rate
    Please register and leave your name, phone and other contacts请注明姓名,电话及其它联系方式 
    SCS@SME Individual Rate: RMB2,500 
    SME 报名费率 :RMB 2,500元/每人 
    Non SCS@SME Individual: RMB5,000 (Should be recommended by SME person) 
    Remarks特别说明:由于SUECS近年发展迅猛,SME会员数量庞大。为了控制会议规模,保证会议质量,我们只能对本次会议有专门业绩贡献SME人员提供免费门票(另提供专门奖励)。We can only provide FREE Tickets (and special reward) to specific contributors to this meeting in order to secure meeting scale and quality as we have too large of SME members worldwidely.

    Please show us Transfer Note as Register Confirmation in Valid , and consult us by mail.

    SUECS Weekly Meeting on Every Thursday www.news/html/?17.html